You know that a periodic signal has some sort of structure that repeats itself over time. For example, a sine wave is periodic because it repeats itself after a certain time. But what about stochastic signals? Do they have a similar property? The answer is yes, but it’s not called periodicity. It’s called ergodicity. But before we get into that, let’s first define what a deterministic signal is.

(Non-)Deterministic Signals

I love “reverse definitions”, so let’s start by defining the opposite, what would be a non-deterministic signal? A signal with some sort of uncertainty. The Algorithms for Decision Making book defines four types of uncertainty:

  1. outcome uncertainty the effects of an event are uncertain,
  2. model uncertainty our model of the problem is uncertain,
  3. state uncertainty the true state of the environment is uncertain, and
  4. interaction uncertainty the behavior of the other agents interacting in the environment is uncertain.

If we re-adapt these definitions to signals, we can say that the uncertainty of a signal can be caused by:

  1. outcome uncertainty there is no mathematical definition of the value of signal , for example, the smell of a flower,
  2. model uncertainty we know the structure of the signal, but we don’t know the parameters, for example, u(t) = sin(t + ), where Uniform[0, 2]. Or we knew the parameters but these parameters changes over time (the case for robust control),
  3. state uncertainty let , where is a deterministic signal and is a noisy component, we compute by sampling an PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator): the value of depends on the state of the PRNG,
  4. interaction uncertainty let and be two signals that are transmitted over two different channels, and in a subset of the time a cross-talk happens between the two channels.

So I call a signal that doesn't have any of these four types of uncertainty: a deterministic signal. And a signal that has model or state uncertainty: a stochastic signal.

Ergodic signals

An ergodic signal is a stochastic signal that has a repeating structure over time. For example, let be a stochastic signal with a mean , we can say that is ergodic if:

In colloquial terms: if we take a long enough sample of the signal, the average of the sample will be equal to the mean of the signal. This is similar to the definition of a periodic signal, but instead of repeating the exact same pattern, the signal repeats the same statistical properties.

Generating an ergodic signal in Julia

First we start by generating a multisine signal with the frequencies Hz. This is a deterministic signal, every time we run the code we get the same signal. It will always have zero mean.

Now we add some white noise to the signal with a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 0. This is a stochastic signal, every time we run the code we get a different signal. The following animation demonstrates the realization uncertainty of the signal. Although we get a different signal for each realization, the statistical property of mean () is the same for all realizations (you can notice the horizontal at line getting bolder and bolder with each realization).

The implementation 🖥️

using FFTW, Plots, Statistics
Generate a multisine signal of that inculdes the specified frequencies
with a white noise component.
function noisy_multisine_signal(fₛ, duration, freqs, noise_amplitude)
   N =  fₛ * duration
   signal_freq = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N)
   # Set the frequency components
   for freq in freqs
   idx = (N * freq ÷ fₛ) + 1
   signal_freq[idx] = 1.0
   # Perform IFFT to get the time-domain signal
   signal = ifft(signal_freq) * N
   # add white noise with a mean of 1
   noise = randn(size(signal)) * noise_amplitude .+ 1.0
   signal += noise
   return real(signal)
 function plot_signals(t, signals, fs)
   N = length(signals)
   la = N == 1 ? 1 : 0.3
   title = N == 1 ? "Single Multisine realization" : "$N Multisine realizations"
   theme = theme_palette(:auto)
   # setup
   p = plot(;xlabel="Time (s)",
   ylims=(-6, 8)
   for signal in signals
     p = plot!(t, signal; color=theme[1], la)
     p = hline!([mean(signal)]; color=theme[2], la)
# Parameters
fₛ = 1000  # Sampling frequency in Hz
duration = 1  # Duration of the signal in seconds
freqs = [2, 4, 16, 20, 34, 50]  # Frequencies in Hz
noise_amplitude = 0.4
num_realizations = 100
# Generate and plot multiple realizations
signals = [noisy_multisine_signal(fₛ, duration, freqs, noise_amplitude)
          for _ in 1:num_realizations]
plot_signals(0:1/fₛ:duration - 1/fₛ, signals, fₛ)